This post was originally published at on 22 March 2006.

You can use the following XHTML entity names to put propper punctuation symbols into your web pages.

The W3C maintains a complete list, though finding what you need can be a bit tricky. I'm working on a complete list that actually displays the characters together with the other detail from W3C's table, a lot neater coding than this Blogger post too, I hope…

In the mean-time, here's a short-list of common characters that I use quite a lot:

Double quotes: “ ” ⇒ use “ and ”
Single quotes: ‘ ’ ⇒ use ‘ and ’
Ellipsis: ⇒ use …
En-dash: ⇒ use –
Em-dash: ⇒ use —
Minus sign: ⇒ use −
Multiplication: × ⇒ use ×
Division: ÷ ⇒ use ÷
Approximately equal: ⇒ use ≈
Trade Mark: ™ ⇒ use ™
Copyright: © ⇒ use ©
Registered: ® ⇒ use ®
Right-arrow: ⇒ use ⇒